
I’m an internationally invited keynote speaker. My talks focus on bringing heart & soul back into leadership, companies, communities, families, education, and individuals. I invite you to Lead With Love.

Sample Keynote Talks

A sample of my keynote talks over the last few years. Audience sizes beyond 1200 people. Experienced speaker over 13 years. 30+ talks since 2016 alone. Contact me to inquire about having me speak at your event.

The Soul of Agile

Agile South Africa 2018 – Opening Keynote

Given numerous times. The soul is deep and is the root of everything else. When we lack soul, we lack brilliance. We lack creativity, inspiration, and innovation. We can’t wow anyone inside or outside of our company. Work doesn’t have to be hard, painful, or a struggle. It can be light, engaging, interesting, and a space of curiosity and connection. It’s time for leaders to step up, forge a new path to shift culture, and demonstrate through their example, heart first.

The Heart of Innovation

Agile Testing Days 2018

This talk explores the power of the heart to cultivate innovation and success. True stories and secrets of these incredible leaders are shared to inspire and invite you to apply simple approaches to cultivate powerful shifts at work. It’s the game changer you didn’t know you were looking. It is what it takes to retain the most incredible people. It is what leads to customers and clients who rave about your company. This is the heart of innovation

How to Lead With Love in Challenging Times

by Selena Delesie | Live Your Legend Local Toronto, December 2016

Agile Leadership Lessons

Agile Testing Days 2015

While coaching Agile organizations I have discerned specific principles that truly successful companies embrace. A student for life, I continue to learn about and understand success and the leadership that allows it to unfold. In this talk I share my real-life lessons in Agile leadership alongside what I learned from Sir Richard Branson himself — seven specific principles that gives any company a truly competitive edge.

How To Be An Outstanding Leader

TestBash NY 2015

While I loved working with people and treating them like the beautiful genius they are, that’s not exactly how I started off as a leader. I share stories that highlight the principles and practices that helped me go from ho-hum leader to leading departments of outstanding performers year-after-year. I tell you what really matters.