
Meet Selena

I attended university way back in the 90’s and received a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. My career in the technology industry spans nearly 20 years, and included roles in software testing, project and program management, leading departments, Agile coaching, team and executive coaching, training on all these things, and more recently — leadership and transformation coaching & facilitation.
I never could have imagined in those earlier days that I would journey to Peru in 2016 to heal and learn with Shamans, and that I would be called to facilitate shamanic ceremonies and incorporate energy medicine into my services. It radically altered my path, as I went deeper into transformational methods for health, happiness, and success.
I have been practicing a blend of east-meets-west services for several years to support beautiful shifts in organizations, individuals, and communities. This includes coaching, speaking internationally on soul and heart-led practices, meditation, energy healing modalities, somatic healing, online courses, retreats, and live classes. I also hold monthly ceremonies in my home to support people through spiritual shifts and the healing of trauma and other wounds.
These are all a deep honour and privilege for me — whether speaking to an audience of thousands, teaching a class for a couple dozen people, coaching a small group, or supporting one person in sacred space. I trust that all the right people attend, at the right time, when they are ready for shift in their lives.
Healing is a personal journey.
No one can heal us, we must take ownership and responsibility to heal ourselves… no matter what has happened in our lives.
This is (still) a powerful lesson for me to traverse as I started the deep inner work required to heal the imprints and fragmentation of my self from many things, including sexual abuse beginning at the age of three. Add to that growing up in an alcoholic household, on welfare and living in government housing, infertility, adopting and raising a high-functioning autistic son, and divorce…. well, life has felt challenging at times.
I finally reached a point that I HAD to start doing the inner work for myself. I had to begin to understand all the ways all of these things impacted me, led me to give my power away in my life, created blocks within my heart, led to co-dependent relationships, a near constant fight-or-freeze response in my nervous system, and harmed relationships and a successful career. It was a lot to come to terms with — boy did I want someone to rescue me! 
I came to accept that I had to rescue, nurture, and parent my inner child. I had to do the healing work for her. I had to release, shed, and grow beyond all the limits I picked up along the way. I continue to do this work every day, using tools from all sources on my path. It’s an unending journey, but one that feels more easeful and joyful over time, even when I feel challenged by the next thing that is unearthing and ready to heal.
To feel the big feels, release, surrender to the unknown — this is the process of building resiliency, courage, strength, peace, happiness, and radiance in life. This is a necessary step to to begin life anew, to create a healthy and stable foundation — free from trauma and pain.
I am so grateful for these gifts, and I appreciate being able to share some of my learning with you.
I invite you to consider how you honour yourself. My collection of offerings invite you to unearth the ‘weeds’ in your life and within yourself, and to plant seeds for new beginnings, for radiant expansion, and to welcome abundance in all forms.
Consider the shifts you might require to feel focused, decisive, balanced, in harmony, and emotionally connected within yourself and with others.
Then leap into the material I have and am creating for you. I offer a variety of transformational programs, live and online classes, retreats, a leadership conference, podcast, and sacred healing circles. 
I will be delighted to journey with you through your next phase of life.
